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Hello Super Stars!

Good morning Super Stars. I hope that you’ve all been well. We may not be able to be together but we can continue learning. This week we would be talking about the letter W, reviewing all our numbers, colors, and shapes. For library there’s and app called EPIC that has tons of books and videos, there’s even a READ-TO-ME option. Here’s a few activities you and your family can do together to practice counting and color recognition.

· Take an indoor scavenger hunt. Look for some W words around your house.

1. How many windows are in your room?

2. Is there any food in the kitchen that’s a W word?

3. Look for your favorite color in the living room.

· Make a Shape Monster out of Recycled Material.

1. Use toilet paper rolls, empty cardboard boxes, scraps of paper

2. Color with crayon, markers, paint

3. Don’t forget your backyard is full of supply potential


I hope that y’all are enjoying your time off with family and staying safe. Remember to wash your hands often and sneeze/cough into your elbow. Can’t wait to see you guys again.

Love y’all,


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